Kaye's Tea Room

"Follow Me," Jesus said to him...Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. (Luke 5:27, 29) WELCOME, fellow desperados.....

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas to Me!

That title sounds a little egocentrical, doesn't it? I've been trying to "re-do" Christmas at my house, attempting to change the focus from how many presents are under the tree to what is truly meaningful in life. And then my first blog title is all about me!

But it isn't really. It's just that this blog is something I've been thinking about for a while. And as I start it this holiday season, I realize that I've just given an incredible gift to myself.

We will be leaving Garmisch in a matter of weeks. When I think of the friends to whom I'll be saying good-bye, my heart aches. When I think of the conversations in which I'll no longer be participating, I mourn the loss in advance. In some ways I want to stop time. I want to grab certain moments and hold tightly to them, squeezing each word and gesture tightly to my breast, because a time is coming when it will be over. I know that I have moments to look forward to. I have delightful things on the horizon that I'm already excited about. But this place is special. And I will miss it.

So this is a small attempt to stop time. Or at least fool it a little bit. Those of you that I love and are missing in advance, please continue sharing your thoughts with me. May the discussions we've had over tea continue in cyber-space. And those of you who have moved on before me, welcome back to my table! Those of you who have never shared a cup, please join us now.

Here's the disclaimer. I'm all about God. He's the central focus of my life. He's the focus of this blog. May He bless each of you, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.



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