Kaye's Tea Room

"Follow Me," Jesus said to him...Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. (Luke 5:27, 29) WELCOME, fellow desperados.....

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

My turkey is in the oven, pies are sitting on the counter...the countdown to dinner has begun. I sit at the computer thinking about all the things I'm thankful for.

* God is good, in so many ways. Life is hard and God is good.

* My household goods are here! Of course, it will be a long time before we can find places for all our things, but that's okay. All my children have beds to sleep on and we are happy.

* I have a husband who loves me and kids whose company I truly enjoy.

* My brother-in-law is here with us. And he loves my cooking! It's a joy cooking for people who think you do it well.

* I have a great extended family even though they're thousands of miles away.

* I love my church family.

* The Cookeville Herald Citizen (our local newspaper) publishes my columns almost every week. I love writing and I appreciate the forum that's they've given me to do that.

May your Thanksgiving be a true day of praise. And as we slip into the holiday season, remember what's important in life. (As for me, I'm boycotting Black Friday..the shopping day after Thanksgiving. I don't care how much I can save. I hate that consumerism has hijacked Christmas.)


  • At 10:05 AM, Blogger Renee said…

    Boycott Black Friday? Right there with you Kaye... of course it's an easy tradition to take up while overseas :)

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Renee said…

    I realized I forgot to ask about your columns. Are they anywhere online?

  • At 2:14 PM, Blogger Kaye said…

    Here's the link to the religion section.

    Two of mine from previous weeks are on there. One is Look to the Hills, and the other is Like the Lilies of the Field. (Those weren't the original titles by the way...that seems to be the only thing they edit, my titles).

    Don't even get me started on Black Friday. Ughh!


  • At 4:35 AM, Blogger Kaye said…

    Oh, I miss you guys! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful as well.


  • At 5:55 AM, Blogger Renee said…

    Thanks for the link. I'll have to keep my eyes open for your future columns. I"m so glad you were able to find a publisher for your superb writing.


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