Kaye's Tea Room

"Follow Me," Jesus said to him...Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. (Luke 5:27, 29) WELCOME, fellow desperados.....

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Kingdom of God

In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, He addresses worry. Specifically, worry about the future and provision for it. After a couple paragraphs of dialog, what does Christ finally say?

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matt 6:33)

There are several important concepts in this one little sentence. First, the easiest. What will be given to me as well? If we look at the verses that come before, He is talking about food, drink, and clothing.

Do I really believe that? Does my life reflect that? Do I go through my day, consciously seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness, before I get my coffee or my breakfast? Or before I decide what to wear? Or before I consider how I will even get these things? Do I seek God’s kingdom before I make sure my own is secure?

Secondly….what is His righteousness? Well, what it isn’t, is my righteousness. I think this is a snare for Christians at times. If we are clothed in self-righteousness, we become an offensive thing to others, certainly not the salt and light that Christ has called us to be. It is His righteousness that we are to seek, to desire manifested in our lives. I truly believe the lost world sees the difference. They may despise both, but it will be for totally different reasons. Those who are seeking God will respond to His righteousness displayed in us.

Thirdly….what exactly is the kingdom of God? The verse isn’t necessarily telling us here to seek God, rather His kingdom. Sometimes, even the Bible is a little confusing as to what this kingdom is. Is it here on earth, or is it heaven? It tells us that the kingdom is like a great treasure, that a man will sell all he has to possess it. It tells us that it is like a mustard seed, that though it is the smallest seed, when it grows it becomes the largest plant. Matthew 13 gives us several other things that the kingdom is like, but it still seems a bit allusive.

What I’ve concluded is, that the kingdom of God is where God reigns. Where His purpose and will are supreme. To use someone else’s term, it’s “already, but not yet.” But I am to seek it. I am to seek God’s reign, to desire His purpose fulfilled, and to give my life to that end.

I think seeking the kingdom is different from seeking God, because it takes the emphasis off of an individual relationship – that is, between God and me – and focuses on community. To desire God’s purpose, means to work for the building up of His church. This may be sharing my faith with those who are seeking God, or it may mean encouraging and edifying other believers.

But at any rate, the kingdom is not just about me.


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