Kaye's Tea Room

"Follow Me," Jesus said to him...Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. (Luke 5:27, 29) WELCOME, fellow desperados.....

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Island's Gift

This is a poem that I wrote years ago, while we were still in Hawaii. I'll talk more about it in my next blog entry.

I climbed ancient volcanic mountains,
Ragged peaks standing as sentries o’er the earth.
Step by treacherous step,
Breath by laborious breath,
I trod up rock and tree roots and clay.
Across the expanse of time and space…
I saw the face of God.

I strolled along the peaceful valleys,
Haupa groves shrouding the warbler as he sang.
Mile by unfolding mile,
Hour by darkening hour,
I walked deep into the earthy womb.
Within these tranquil verdant chambers…
I heard the voice of God.

I stood before an indigo sea,
The frothy water crashing against the shore.
Wave after ceaseless wave,
Thrust after deafening thrust,
The ocean performed its victor’s dance.
Throughout the surging of briny foam…
I felt the hand of God.

A sojourner in the world of men,
I longed for the savage bosom of nature.
Ridge after rocky ridge,
Cascade by plunging cascade,
I found peace and my soul was at rest.
For the untamed beauty of the earth…
Is the mural of God.

Back in the land of cities and lights,
My heart could now hear what it needed to hear.
Korean, Filipino, Chinese
Japanese, Caucasian, Hawaiian,
Humanity claimed me as its own.
In this rainbow of mortal faces…
I saw the eyes of God.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

With All My What?

I was thinking about a passage this morning.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." (Mark 12:30)

It took me back to a distant time. Well, not too distant. A few years ago. I was looking at that same verse, and I asked myself if that described me. (I think I was doing a Beth Moore study at the time...she has a way of cutting straight to the heart.) Did I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength?

I am passionate about a few things. I love to write. I love to read. I love my family. I love my friends. And I love the Lord.

But at that time, did I love Him with ALL my heart, soul, mind and strength?

I love walking in the woods. I love traveling. I love good music.

But did I love God with ALL my heart, soul, mind and strength?

I had to answer, "God help me, I don't think I do."

But this one thing was true. I WANTED to love Him that way. So that desire became one of my desperate prayers. (You know the ones...the requests that you would give almost anything to have fulfilled.)

Here is one of the most wonderful things about God. Prayers prayed according to His will, He delights in answering. And a seeking heart desperate for Him is one that He listens to.

I asked that question again this morning, years down the road. Is it yet true? Do I love Him with EVERYTHING that is inside me? I'm not sure the answer is yet a resounding yes. But it is a closer yes. It is a feeble yes that spends more time with Him. And it is a growing yes that continues to pray that same desperate prayer...

"Lord, increase my desire for You."

Monday, October 16, 2006

What's in a Prayer

I have a young friend. She was a part of my life in Germany. She had terrifc parents, good, good people. They were friends of mine and I loved them. They weren't Christians, however, and at some point I realized that this young woman probably had no one who was praying for her. I felt that God had brought her into my life, partly for that reason...to intercede on her behalf in the throne room of the One and Only.

She moved before we did and I lost contact with her. It's been a couple of years since I'd heard anything from her. Let me repeat that...years. Recently (the last three weeks) she has been on my heart again. I've started praying for her again. Daily.

Well, today I got an email from her (the first one in years). It didn't say anything other than, "is this still a good email address for you?"

I wrote her back, of course.

Marvelling I ask, "God, what are you up to?" And then I have to add, "Thank you for letting me see You work."

Now I wait expectantly.