The Island's Gift
This is a poem that I wrote years ago, while we were still in Hawaii. I'll talk more about it in my next blog entry.
I climbed ancient volcanic mountains,
Ragged peaks standing as sentries o’er the earth.
Step by treacherous step,
Breath by laborious breath,
I trod up rock and tree roots and clay.
Across the expanse of time and space…
I saw the face of God.
I strolled along the peaceful valleys,
Haupa groves shrouding the warbler as he sang.
Mile by unfolding mile,
Hour by darkening hour,
I walked deep into the earthy womb.
Within these tranquil verdant chambers…
I heard the voice of God.
I stood before an indigo sea,
The frothy water crashing against the shore.
Wave after ceaseless wave,
Thrust after deafening thrust,
The ocean performed its victor’s dance.
Throughout the surging of briny foam…
I felt the hand of God.
A sojourner in the world of men,
I longed for the savage bosom of nature.
Ridge after rocky ridge,
Cascade by plunging cascade,
I found peace and my soul was at rest.
For the untamed beauty of the earth…
Is the mural of God.
Back in the land of cities and lights,
My heart could now hear what it needed to hear.
Korean, Filipino, Chinese
Japanese, Caucasian, Hawaiian,
Humanity claimed me as its own.
In this rainbow of mortal faces…
I saw the eyes of God.